Traffic authority wants bigger fines for driving infringements

( Another attempt to regulate the bad driving on Panama’s overcrowded streets is underway.

The National transportation authority (ATTT) said on Thursday (August 26)they will present, within the next 14 days, a draft resolution that would modify various transit rules and regulations.

Among the proposed changes is an increase in fines for violations such as causing traffic jams due to “disorderly drivingsays ATTT Director Jorge Ricardo Fábrega.

On TVN News, Fábrega mentioned of drivers who, although they clearly see that though the light is green, the line of traffic is not moving, still choose to advance and block the intersection. When the light changes, the other drivers who then have the green, cannot advance because of those who remain in the intersection.

Fabrega said that in the capital, where the vehicle fleet exceeds the capacity of the roads, these situations only serve to exacerbate the situation by extending the traffic jams.

Commentators have noted that there are already multiple laws in existence but that lack of enforcement is the problem. On observer noted that often ATTT police are standing at intersections chatting, and ignoring infringements by pedestrians and drivers.

"If it was up to me and President Garcia, in half an hour we would have signed," he said, but ministries and work teams "have to converge and agree to the private interests of both countries."


Original Source:
Date Retrieved: August 28, 2010.