“New (8 months old) car stickers

newsnviews2.jpg(newsroompanama.com) Is your car missing something? Perhaps the sticker on the license plate to signifying its renewal date, or maybe, even the licence plate?

Don’t worry. The year is only 8 months old and, starting Monday,August 9, Panama City municipal officials will begin delivering overdue vehicle decals, according to Municipal Treasurer Emerardo Martínez.

Martínez said that residents may pick up the stickers at places that normally issue license plates. The agency expects to distribute nearly 30,000 of them. After an 8 month hiatus, you won’t likely get killed in the rush.
The stickers are normally issued with a license plate when a car is inspected each year. But the delivery of the new license plates has been delayed for months.

There is still no estimate as to when they will be ready.

Can we blame this on our staggering mayor, Bosco Vallarino? Who knows. It’s happened on the watch of the harbinger of “change” and his shoulders are broad enough to accept the blame for one more example of municipal inefficiency.
But hold on. There is change. After throwing his previous team off the sinking good ship City of Panama, a new crew is coming aboard. Not in the two weeks that Captain Bosco promised, as it was hard to recruit volunteers to join a leaky ship. But the process is under way and a new gang of party hacks?  are climbing aboard. But surely the old team were party faithfuls, and they got the chop after a year. Maybe the new team were pressed into duty, with promises of rich pickings from the treasure trove of no-bid contracts.
Bosco’s flag, a little tattered and garbage smudged, still flies and there is room on the yardarm to send a few more defaulters to their rightful end, while the Captain stands on the burning deck surrounded by his collection of plastic gnomes, rescued from the Christmas village.
In the distance, telescope in hand, the Admiral of the Fleet stands on the ship of state, figuring how to replace his disgraced captain. Maybe a far away ambassadorship.


Original Source: http://www.newsroompanama.com/panama/1528-new-8-months-old-car-stickers-.html
Date Retrieved: August 7, 2010.