Clearing Up Confusion With Regards to Bo Icelar's Family Members in the US

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama-Guide) There are some errors I need to clarify with regards to Bo Icelar's family members. The first person I spoke to about Bo is a woman named Sharon McConnell who lives in Mississippi. She spoke to Bo on the telephone on 29 November 2009 about his plans to sell his house, and she tried to call back several times on 30 November 2009 and he never answered. She described herself to me as "like a sister," said she and Bo were very close, that they grew up together, and that she is identified on Bo Icelar's will. I made the mistake of identifying her as "Bo's sister" when in fact she is not his sister but rather a close friend.

Clarification: I received an email from Gerald Richard (Rick) Eisler - Bo Icelar's brother, which said: "Mr Winner. A note to thank you for all the information you uncovered on the murder of Bo Icelar. I am his brother who he was estranged from most of his life. Bo was born Barry Lawrence Eisler, Sept 17,1951 and changed his name years ago. Many thanks for all your investigative work without which his killers would still be roaming freely and killing others undisturbed. You are truly the hero in this story. Sincerely, Gerald Richard (Rick) Eisler." I also received an email from Suzie Eisler, his sister, which said: "Don this whole article today, Friday July 30, 2010 that has "his sister" listed is not his sister. His sister , me, Suzie lives in Maryland not Mississippi. My brother Gerald RIchard Eisler and myself are his only siblings."

My Apologies: As it always happens in developing situations such as this, the details become more clear over time. Rick and Suzie Eisler only contacted me after they read the initial articles and after they learned of what had happened to their brother Bo in Panama, and provided me with the additional information. I've been trying to get back in touch with Sharon McConnell since Friday, 23 July 2010, but she apparently got on a plane and flew to New Mexico to confer with Bo's lawyer. Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up...


Original Source:
Date Retrieved: August 3, 2010.