Visitor centers to view Panama Canal expansion underway

Source: Newsroom Panama

A plan to give visitors a looksee at the expansion of the Panama Canal and to give local tourism a boost has been taken of the back burner and plans are underway to build two observation centers. Although the idea was conceived during the planning process for the project, it has been on hold while contracts for the project wereawarded. Now the Canal authority is planning the building of two observation facilities, one at each end of the Canal.

The Pacific center will be be located in Cocolí, and will have a tower that will overlook the construction of the locks. The target date for the opening will be by July 2012. The center on the Atlantic side is expected to be ready about a year earlier. That center will also have a cafeteria, exhibitions and ecological trails.

The centers will be located so that visitors can observe the dredging and excavation that is part of the construction of the third set of locks on both sides.