Fighting Substance Abuse - The Courage to Change

What does that statement mean to you?  As many of us here know, trying to find this courage is not always an easy thing to do.  Almost everybody is scared of change.  But if you finally do pluck up the courage to make a change, where can you turn to for help? Several months ago we posted a story written by Dolores Young about a new women's shelter that was opening in Bejuco. Today they are open, and they are calling themselves “Courage to Change.”  And, we thought it was time to check in and see how the local shelter is helping those people who have found that courage to change their lives.

Originally, the shelter's focus was on women who needed help recovering from substance abuse, mental abuse and physical abuse. As the months passed and the shelter found its feet, something became more apparent. They began finding more men than women at their door asking for help. Upon further investigation, they discovered a few things. One, men here seem to find it easier to ask for help than women; and second, it became apparent that it is harder for women to break the cycle.  Women are often hesitant to seek help because they often have the added responsibility of children, and they are not prepared to leave their children in order to focus on themselves. So the focus of the shelter itself shifted.  “It takes courage to change not only for women but also, it appears, just as much for men. So if they have the courage to take that first step, then let’s keep our doors open to everyone,” suggested Roy and Celmira, founders of “Courage to Change.”

The couple, themselves, has dealt with their own issues surrounding substance abuse, making them qualified to start this venture. When they lived in the city, Celmira worked with addicts one- on-one in her home. Opening up “Courage to Change” in Bejuco is really an expansion of that. The shelter, which can now sleep approximately seven, attracts more clients from the city than from the local area.  By coming here from the city, the individuals are able to distance themselves from their old way of life and their social circles and thus begin anew. Celmira has contacts in the city with facilities that can connect her with people who are prepared to change their lives and seek help.

At the moment, Roy and Celmira are working on having “Courage to Change” become a foundation. Once this is achieved, then the government will provide some financial assistance.  However, time will still need to be spent working on fundraising through corporate donations as well as local events. Currently, such things as the local Texas Hold'em tournaments and Games Nights are examples of such fundraisers.  Dolores Young is still a great supporter of the charity and is passionate about helping them by organizing fundraisers for the shelter. Dolores states, “Drinking and drugs are addictions, and addictions are never easy to quit on your own. If these people have the ‘Courage to Change,’ then let’s do what we can to help them.”

If you would like further information about the shelter or would like to know how you can help, please contact Dolores Young at 6427- 0129 or .