Wellness Program at Finca La Maya San Carlos

Do you ever feel like your body does not move as freely as it could? Do you ever feel like the chaos of everyday life is inhibiting your own personal growth and mobility?Bones for Life - Segment IMarch 24 - 28Wellness through Movement IntelligenceOur central purpose is to foster public awareness of alternative approaches to osteoporosis prevention and reversal, specifically as presented in an exercise protocol created by Ruthy Alon called "Bonesfor Life." Bones for Life is a program for stimulating bone strength through natural movement and weight-bearing posture
This program's inventive strategies for securing optimal human posture and locomotion are effective in increasing the strength and resilience of your bones, and to decrease their likelihood of fracture, without provoking injury.
A springy walk is the natural motivation to stimulate bone strength. People can learn how to restore a healthy functional posture that can transmit force without endangering vulnerable joints. The program introduces movement in a gradual and safe way that is sensitive to the needs and conditions of the individual. The movements are efficient, effective, fun and readily integrated into the activities of daily life.
"When moving as nature intended - harmoniously coordinated and intelligently coping with gravity - we not only strengthen our bones, we
also embody a sense of dignity, confidence, and joy, that I call biological optimism."
- Ruthy Alon, Creator of Bones for Life www.bonesforlife.com
Program Schedule:
Bones for Life Segment I
9am - 1pm. Monday - Friday
The cost is $500. This price includes all instruction, BFL wrap, the Bones for Life Segment 1 Manual and lunch at Finca La Maya.
All registration inquiries and requests are directed to Starr McCamant www.fincalamaya.com 901 414-2844 or in Panama 507 240-8281
Taught by Gretchen Langner, Bones for Life Trainer and U.S. Program Director
Since 2001, Gretchen has worked closely with Ruthy Alon as the U.S. Program Director of Bones for Life. This opportunity has deepened her understanding and enthusiasm to share and teach this work.
"Bones for Life is essential for a life-long mastery of skeletal ergonomics and the art of sustainable movement and posture."
Please let us know if you have any questions concerning the course or the accommodations. We look forward to seeing you.
Gretchen Langner
Bones for Life
Come join us in Segment I and learn through your own experience in a safe learning environment, where your skeletal being is given a chance to mindfully explore unused movement options in slow motion, with open awareness. Come discover healthier capabilities within