Volunteers Needed at Finca la Maya

Finca La Maya , the Cultural and Arts center located near San Carlos, has been providing free classes to local communities more than four years now. Generous members of our community have given their precious time and donations to enable these fabulous classes to continue.

Every Saturday local children flock to Finca La Maya , for two hours, to learn English that will help them get better jobs, express themselves with art and crafts projects, learn new computer skills, socialize, and just have a great time together!

Our success stories resulting from La Maya’s free classes are impressive, with numerous English students going on to be accepted into Panama’s universities and being hired for important bilingual jobs in local new resort communities.  Today, we are appealing to our friends and supporters: we need more volunteers, especially for our English classes.

We are looking for at least two additional volunteers to teach the free English class at Finca La Maya .  Our current volunteers are very committed and will help get you started. It’s quite easy ~ even fun. If you can commit to help for only two hours a week for even a couple months, it will be enormously helpful and very much appreciated!

 “La Maya's art class is the most fun two hours of my week,” claims Starr McCamant, founder of La Maya's Community Programs.

“The most exciting part is that we do something new every week,” says another volunteer, “but, that also means we could use some more help. It 's only two hours out of my week, it’s not difficult, and really very rewarding to see how much these kids appreciate it.”

La Maya invites anyone who can commit two hours out of their week to come help out. Volunteers are welcome to assist classes, or they may even choose to lead the entire class with a project of their own. Project leaders may bring supplies or use what is already available. No previous experience necessary, and the only limit is your imagination. It all helps!

Thanks to the contributions of FLM supporters, the classrooms already have some supplies such as paper, pencils, glue, construction paper. We always need more dry-erase markers, erasers, paint, and scissors. Supplies are always needed and appreciated. Classes vary in size depending on the season (and school); art class size averages 20 students.

If you can volunteer to assist or instruct an English or art class, please call and schedule a date with us – or just show up anytime, especially on Saturdays before 10am!  Thank you in advance for your support. Our entire community benefits by any contribution you can make!

Please email Barb Williams, finca La Maya's volunteer ANGEL who organizes English class volunteers, at:
barbbwilliams@gmail.com  or call Starr McCamant at Finca La Maya :  240-8281 or 66700793.

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