Games Nights a Huge Success

Games Night held on Thursday, February 11th, 2010 at the Coronado Country Club towers was awesome.  We had over 50 attendees.  Games that were played were Texas Hold Em, Mexican Train, Mahjong, Darts and there was also lots socializing which is a fun game in itself. I would like to thank everyone very much for attending Games Night undraiser and everyone that purchased tickets but were unable to make it hat evening - thank you.  A great way to start off our first games night for which all monies after expenses will go to help out the Women's Shelter in Bejuco.  The amount raised after expenses was 902.77.  The Texas Hold Em players donated $50.00 from their winnings which is included in the total amount raised. Thank you - Thank you.  

Also I would like to thank everyone that helped me sell admittance and raffle tickets, set up and clean up as the games night as the night would not have happened if not for all your help.  Thank you - Thank you.
 My heartfelt thanks for all the donations for the door prizes.

 Contadora Flight for 4 donated by John/Sandy Heidemann
 Yoga Lesson donated by Anne-Marie Bergeron
 Salsa Lesson by Irwin
 Cholos Dinner for 2 from Owen
 Southern Fried Chicken Dinner for 4 donated by Alice Dupree
 Room at the Golf Resort Hotel donated by Clemencia/Barry Watson
 Watch for the next games night which will be held in late March or early April.
The organizers of the women's shelter is in the process of getting their foundation together under the following name:  Courage to Change Association - which is so true for these women - it takes so much courage to change a long time habit and go forward with a new life.
If anyone has questions about anything in regards to what I am trying to do for this association please feel free to call me at the following number: Dolores Young - 6427 0129.
Dolores Young

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