Panama Expats West Get-together is a Blast!

Salsa dancing, door prizes, a full house and great conversation were the order of the evening last Wednesday at the Expats West get-together of Panama Pacific Coast residents at Coronado. This particular event was sponsored by, Concept Panama, and VIP Insurance who offered a complementary glass of wine at their offices and sponsored the door prizes.      

Expats West came into being six years ago when Honey Dodge decided that it was too far into the city every month to meet with other expats. Honey organized the monthly get-togethers that currently meet at Rincon del Chef off the main highway in Coronado.

Honey is moving, so Jamuna Burry, owner and manager of the Pacific Coast Community's online news source,, has graciously agreed to take over the responsibility of coordinating Expats West. From all appearances nothing was lost in the transition. Last Wedsday was a blast. In the main restaurant and patio friends chatted, new friends were made, and conversations lingered into the evening. A comfortable distance away expats rocked the social area with salsa music and fancy footwork.

The door prizes, which were a big hit, will be a monthly feature. This last month's prizes were a backpack of rum from VIP Insurance, a $30 gift certificate to Dulce Vida Salon from Concept Panama, and 5 bottles of wine, cheeses, and chocolates from 

Turn out at the last event was easily 200 people, drawn by the expanded format. Everyone was pleasantly surprised at the excellent turnout which, frankly, was a bit overwhelming for the usual staff so the format will be different next month to accomodate all comers.

The next Expats West social will be Wednesday, February 24, 5 pm at Rincon del Chef. There will be Country and Western music and line dancing! Put on your Stetson hat and your Tony Lama boots. It's going to be a hot time in Coronado!

Updates on the social will be posted on the web site, in The Visitor/El Visitante events section,  and on Yahoo news groups.

Any expats interested in joining the fun can show up in Coronado at Rincon del Chef, off the main highway a block down the road from El Rey, every forth Wednesday starting at 5 pm.  HOWEVER, because of the large turn out last time we are requesting an RSVP to make sure there is sufficient staff to get everyone fed on time. For any questions just contact Jamuna Burry at the Playacommunity office adjacent to Rincon del Chef or email

A thank you is in order. Expats West would not exist if it had not been for Honey Dodge thinking it up and carrying the ball for years. A heart felt thank you, Honey, from all of us.


 A big thanks for the pictures to Richard Van Dyk!