Coronado Chili Cook Off for Charity and Bragging Rights

Skip and Betty Doeringer are graciously co-ordinating the 3rd Annual Coronado Chili and Charity cook off. Mark your calendar and practice cooking. On February 20th at 5 pm the cook off, sponsored by Expats in cooperation with CSA, will give any interested party a shot at Pacific Coast chili bragging rights and a chance to help replenish the CSA charity fund. The first two winners, Eldon “2008” and Skip “2009” will be there for another shot at the title. Do you have what it takes? There is room for eight chefs in the competition with one slot for an alternate. Sign up now. It is first come first serve.  



Email Skip at before February 13 to enter. Dust off the crock pot and make your favorite recipe.


For those more interested in eating chili than cooking it, come to the cook off on February 20 at 5 pm ready to eat. Skip and Betty are asking everyone to bring a side dish such as an appetizer, salad, fruit plate, corn bread, buns and butter, etc. Sorry, no prize for the best ensalada, folks. Please reserve your place before February 13 and if you have tables and chairs to loan please email


The chili cook off is a BYOB event for $5 a person to cover costs. Remaining money will go into the CSA charity fund and be reported at the next CSA meeting. The cook off will be held at Alcazar on the reception floor. Due to security measures you must all RSVP not later then 1 week before.


CHEFS: Cook with a crock pot only and bring your own heat source to keep chili warm in a pan that can be placed on a table. Outlets, tables, and extension cords will be provided. Please arrive one hour early


Chili will be judged on consistency, spice and balance, flavor, aroma, and look.