Children's Choir in Coronado

Once again, Coronado's La Carreta goes out of its way to supply entertainment for everyone free of charge. La Carreta hosted an evening in conjunction with the National Concert Association of Panama who organizes a yearly music camp with children from all over the country. Teachers submitted names of students who were then interviewed and if accepted, are invited to the camp for two weeks. There, with practice and guidance, they are eventually ready to perform at concerts within Panama.

On Saturday, January 23rd, La Carreta hosted such a concert. Tickets were offered free of charge. The restaurant also offered the option of an excellent BBQ buffet for $15.00 per person. Attendance was made up of local Expats and Panamanians alike. The musicians were set up on the 2nd level so they could be seen from the tables and a seating area below. The musicians were led by guest conductor, Kenneth Sark, from NewYork.
Mr Sark led the large group of strings accompanied by winds and percussions, easily 100 musicians (some from our local towns) to perform various pieces starting with an Opera from Wagner. This Opera depicted 2 heads of the navy stuck on an island, praying to the gods to supply them with wind as to be able to sail into combat. The Gods responded that they would only comply if he would sacrifice the youngest daughter. Oddly enough, Mr. Sark had his youngest daughter playing with them during the afternoon were great gushes of wind kept blowing the music sheets astray. To lighten the mood, Mr. Sark told the young musicians that maybe he would have to sacrifice his own daughter to appease the winds for the evening concert! The children thought that was quite amusing and teased her about it.
The second piece was of John Henry, a piece that resembled the construction and realization of a railway. It started with sounds resembling the banging of the nails, increasing the tempo giving the feeling of the train going through mountains and increasing in speed, even had the whistle sounding throughout. You could just picture yourself onboard.
The following piece was quite a treat, it accompanied an old Charlie Chapin film. Chaplin is at a roller skating rink and has decided to challenge a young lady's friend. As only Chaplin can with his antics and incredible flexibility, his belly bumping and use of his cane manages to make the larger gentleman fall all over the place while Chaplin, in the end, gets the girl. A medley of Panama Carnaval songs were played and then for the finale, a piece directly out of a Lord of Dance show. The music had such a quick pace that it even had the musicians swaying side to side.
All and all an extremely entertaining evening with or without dinner, where a crowd of all ages got to cheer on the children of this country getting together to play music to everyone's content. Well done!

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