60 Hookers Busted in Panama Immigration Sweep

Some of the relatives of the women who were arrested during a raid conducted by immigration authorities at various brothels in Panama City are desperate and very annoyed. The women say their papers are in order but they are being deported to their home countries anyway. By way of protest, one of the women undressed inside of the Transitional Prison of the Immigration System. For her part the Director of Immigration, Maria Cristina Gonzalez, denied such accusations. She said the women are being deported because they do not, in fact, have their papers in order. They lack the card for "performing artists" issued to allow them to work in prostitution legally for nine months in Panama. Relatives of the detained women say they are sleeping on the floor due to overcrowding in the immigration jail. During the raid more than 60 people from different nations were arrested for not having their papers in order. (Source: TVN Noticias)