Municipal Government of Colón In The Eye Of The Storm

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama-Guide) (Source: Panama America) After Panama's Anti-Corruption Czar Fernando Núñez Fábrega presented a complaint to the office of the Comptroller General against the Mayor of Colón, Dámaso García about his possible involvement in a real estate deal to the detriment of the City of Colón, García responded to the accusations. García said on RPC Radio Núñez Fábrega will become the "most ridiculed lawyer in history" because according to the Mayor of Colón there is no illegal act in everything the Anti-Corruption Czar has said. "Law 106 of the Administrative Code in its Articles 11 and 17 empowers the District Mayor and the Municipal Council to create joint ventures," said García, who denounced that they are trying to put "a knife to the jugular of the province of Colón."