Ana Matilde Gomez Asks To Have Almengor Removed From Case

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama-Guide) (Source: JOSÉ OTERO and MÓNICA PALM for La Prensa) Defense lawyers working for Panama's Attorney General Ana Matilde Gomez challenged newly appointed Supreme Court magistrate José Abel Almengor, after he indicated he did not intend to disqualify himself from hearing as the primary judge in the case, a request filed to have Gomez removed from her position. Juan Antonio Tejada, a former Ombudsman and now Gomez's lawyer, said he would invoke Number 11 of Article 760 of the Judicial Code, which indicates that one of the causes for impeachment is "if one of the parties has a process, complaint, or suit pending, or for having had one of these within the past two years, against the judge or magistrate."