Gingerbread Extravaganza comes to Finca La Maya

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of watching over 45 kids from the San Carlos community take over Finca La Maya 's art class by storm.  It was the "Annual Gingerbread Decorating Contest".This marked yet another year end for Finca La Maya 's Saturday community program which consists of English Classes, Computer Classes and Art Classes for anyone that would like to attend.   The participants ranged in ages from 3-15 years of age.  Children and teens from all over the playa community were in attendance.  Thanks to a few Coronado residents there were even a few participants that came from as far as the Penonome Orphanage.

Everyone had their own Gingerbread home to decorate using anything from pretzels, shredded wheat, M&M's to my favourite gummie bears.  I will admit I did assist in eating some of the left overs after the competition was over.
As the kids decorated their edible "Casitas",  I could not stop taking pictures.  Everyone had a smile on their face.  Some were in deep concentration as they were carefully using their personal bag of icing to glue their lolly pop or jube jube to the roof of their home, but there truly was a twinkle in every single eye.  Of course some were eating their decorations while creating their master piece but this is all part of the fun.  One little girl could not resist; once her Casita was finished she proceded to pick off the candy from her Gingerbread home leaving but a sparsely decorated home for us to judge.
In attendance at this years event were Yvonne Centenara "The Community Service" contact at Copa Airlines .  Yvonne's group is interested in contributing to FLM in some fashion, to further enhance the Saturday program.  Ruben Muñoz who is the political "Representante" for San Carlos was also in attendance.  As he recently celebrated a birthday he was given a cake, and sung "Feliz Compleanos" by 45 children and teens. Both representatives were also treated to a short musical dance presentation by the FLM dancers.
I was extremely impressed by the creativity and the enthusiasm of each participant.  Fences and trees and flowers were even added to their yummy homes which truly made it difficult for the judges to pick the final 4 winners.  While the judges were reviewing the entries, the kids were asked to wait outside.  While we were all debating and conversing amongst ourselves, I looked back to see all the kids with their noses up to the window, trying to get a peak at who would go home with a prize.
Everyone went home with their Gingerbread Casitas in hand, a smile on their face and I am sure a sugar high that lasted all weekend.   This was my first year in attendance and I am know it will not be my last.  The holidays are exciting for most of us, yet they can also be challenging for some.   To see the difference Finca La Maya and its many volunteers have made this year in over 45 childrens'  lives, is a gift in itself, not to mention those that come out every Saturday to assist in the community programs.  Bravo!!
Finca La Maya is closed now for the holiday season and will re-open in January.  If you know of any children that could benefit from an English Class or Art Class or Computer Class, please think about sending them to Finca La Maya Saturday mornings.  Magical things are happening everyday.  I witnessed this first hand last Saturday and thankfully I took my camera.
*Finca La Maya would like to personally Mary Lockhart and her Gingerbread Elves who volunteered to make this happen.  Without the time and effort by just a small handful of Saturday morning volunteers this all would not happen.  Happy Holidays and FLM wishes you all a Fabulous New Year.

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