Attorney General Opens Investigation Into PECC Corruption Case

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama-Guide ) By SANTIAGO Fascetto for La Prensa - The Public Ministry opened an official investigation yesterday after the former president of the Ports Engineering & Consultants Corp. (PECC) Charles Jumet admitted before the justice system of the United States of having paid bribes in order to obtain a concession from the government in 1997, during the administration of Ernesto Pérez Balladares. Jumet testified before a U.S. judge that he paid bribes to three senior officials to obtain a contract with the now defunct National Port Authority (APN) to provide services to aid ship navigation. Following Jumet's revelations, the Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, under Abril Arosemena, opened a file to verify the possibility of the existence of "crimes against the public administration."