Construction of New Locks for Panama Canal Expansion Will Begin in 2010

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama-Guide ) La Estrella - The construction of the third set of locks for the expansion of the Panama Canal will begin in January 2010, said yesterday executive director of the consortium that won the bidding for the project, Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), Antonio Zaffaroni. "We are at the beginning and there are many bureaucratic procedures, presentations that have to be done, and permits to obtain. The real work starts in January. For now it's all preparation, removal of animals, cutting trees..." said the official from the GUPC consortium, led by Spanish company Sacyr Vallehermoso. Zaffaroni said the first phase of the work will be the excavation, after having established "the facilities to produce concrete, crushed stone, cement and equipment to unload the arriving supplies."