Children's Orchestra To Perform in Coronado

As a part of the Coronado Club’s continued Social commitment to the children of the community and to support the Asociación Nacional de Conciertos, we have invited a group of young musicians to perform. Last year we presented 2 mini concerts of Wind and String quartets. The upcoming performance on Friday, 25th of January will be the culmination of the series. This performance will be the highlight of the group’s 23rd Summer Camp for advanced young musicians from the different provinces of the country: Colon, Chiriqui, Veraguas, Chorrera, Coclé, and the City. This camp was initiated by Terrence Ford way back in 1986 for the music students from the Instituto Nacional de Musica, Escuela Juvenil de Musica, the Instituto Episcopal San Cristobel and other schools of the country.
The venue will be held above the SPA from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
The cost of the ticket is $10.00. Proceeds will go to the orchestra to buy instruments. Tickets will be on sale at our concierge desk in the lobby of the hotel starting Monday, 14th. You can make reservations through Gisela by calling direct at 240-3175 or e-mail her at .
Invite your friends for a relaxing and wholesome evening with the beautiful star studded sky of Coronado as the background.