Former Panama president Endara dies

newsnviews2.jpgPANAMA CITY, Panama (CNN) -- Guillermo Endara, the former Panamanian president who succeeded Manuel Noriega after he was overthrown, died Monday evening, CNN en EspaƱol reported.

The 73-year-old Endara, who had been hospitalized in June because of kidney problems, died in his home, according to initial reports.

His family members said they would release a statement later.

Endara won the 1989 election against the candidate of strongman Noriega, but Noriega voided the results, denying him the presidency.

After the United States ousted Noriega in December 1989, Endara was sworn in and served as president until 1994.

He ran unsuccessfully for president in 2004 and 2009.


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Date Retrieved: September 29, 2009