Amigos de los Ninos

On Thursday, December 13th over 25 people met at the home of Randy & Ellen to assemble food hampers. There were people from Panama, USA, Canada, UK, Greece and probably several other countries. Our one goal was to spread some Christmas Cheer to those less fortunate than us in the community/country where we live. Then on Saturday December 15th with a caravan of 7 or 8 SUV’s (4-wheel drive required) we delivered our special cargo to the village of Manglarito, a 20 min. drive into the hills outside of Sora.
This project was spearheaded by Chipi Azcarraga, who through years of business and personal connections was able to bring together the items for the hampers, Christmas gifts and lunch for an entire village. Three dentists from Panama came and checked the kid’s teeth and the chlildren received a toothbrush and toothpaste. Each mother received a Christmas gift plus a food hamper. The containers were large plastic tubs filled with flour, sugar, coffee, salt, spaghetti, lentils, and milk, just to name a few items. Each child each received a Christmas gift, a tee-shirt plus lunch, apples, pears, juice boxes and cake.
I personally was humbled as I watched these people, who live on so little in this small village with no electricity, running water or inadequate septic systems. They have one taxi, at a cost of $1 per trip and medical evacuations have been made on horses.
Several members of this group are looking at going back to Manglarito during the dry season and evaluate some of the basic needs that we can do, to help the community.
To support this initiative, contact Donna Anderson at