Mahjong Club Updates

Location Change for Friday's Mahjong Meet This friday, Dec 7th Mahjong group will meet at Don Chacos grill for lunch at 12pm. Games begin at 1pm. Chachos has offered us thier air conditioned room! See you there! Learn to Play Mahjong Japanese Mahjong play. Individuals wanting to learn to play, or who have played other forms of Mahjong, should contact Deborah Turl through email at or 240 4975, cell 6436-8665. Always check this Playa Community Calendar for any changes in location or schedule. Monday evenings: 7:00-9:00 pm at PH Coronado Bohio, the pink condos on the beach. Contact Kathie Bishop to RSVP at or 240-1275 or 6672-0026. Tuesday mornings: 10:00 am to 12 Noon at Hole 19 in the Club de Golf Resort. Contact Barbara Schlottke to RSVP at or 6630-8630. Many join us around 9 or 9:30 for a cup of coffee or brunch.
Friday afternoons: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the Terraza Dining Room at the Club de Golf Resort. Many plan to have lunch at 12 before the play begins. Contact Deborah Turl to RSVP at or 240-4975, cell 6436-8665.
Many people have moved with mahjong sets which have been in their families. Please feel free to bring your own set, as each set seems to be a little different.
Player donates $1 per game time for local children's needs. Monies collected are presented at the monthly Social Association Meeting.
Local Japanese Mahjong Records Recently Broken
Within 6 weeks of returning to Their condo on the beach, Renee Schaefer broke the record for the highest local total point total to date: 85,000.
At that same mahjong table of 4, Rosemary Ocana had in one hand 24,000 points, another record for a single hand.
Both play at least 2 times a week and Rosemary has been teaching mahjong in Spanish to some San Carlos residents, and they have regular play on Monday afternoons. Some of this group join our group now to play. I suspect that with the number of M.J. players in the condos Renee might be playing some additional games, too!
This is exactly what Mahjong should do for us: have good players teaching others to play, even in a different language, no less, and bringing people together that might not have otherwise met. It is so rewarding to see people branching out into other groups that are part of the community, such as poker games, golf four-somes, shopping trips, etc. A foursome of mahjong followed by a little lunch or dinner can bring new couples together. This is a very casual way to really get to know our community members.
We actually have enough good players that I'd like to challenge my Peoria group for a tournament (here, of course!) but at the very least, see what we can get together with the Bocas Del Toro group which also plays a form of Japanese Mahjong. Stay tuned.......