Annual Christmas Parade

Led by Mary on a donkey and Joseph in toe, brought up in the rear, by Santa and Missus Claus pulled in a cart by two large oxen, the annual Coronado Christmas parade made a slow rhythmic  walk to the Coronado Hotel lobby. The parade is an opportunity for the children of local schools to strut their stuff – and strut they did with rumbling drummers, tinkling xylophones and twirling batons on this fine dry and sunny day of the rainy season.

At the close of the marching Parade children put on a nativity play, followed by tipico dancers who pulled onlookers in to dance. The San Filipe choir ended the evening to an overflowing audience, jostling for position with a good view. Christmas cookies and ron ponche courtesy of Coronado Resort added to the reminder that Christmas just around the corner once again.
