Martinelli - The DIJ Officers Will Remain Fired

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama-Guide) By Marggie Trejos for El Siglo - The pay increases for the Public Forces is considered to be one of the most important acts so far for Ricardo Martinelli, because they will confront the issue of security in Panama. During an interview on the program Debate Abierto on Sunday morning, the president said the security forces must be given more resources and a police officer might earn only $380 per month while a construction assistant might earn $500. "The self-esteem of the police force is very low and we see disheartened police force, we have to raise the self esteem and give resources to the police," he said. The president also regretted having to make the decision to fire 25 members of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), who went to protest to the presidency. "They were going to get the pay increase, but discipline must prevail," he said.