Debate Begins Over Proposed Telecommunications Security Law

newsnviews2.jpg(Panam-Guide) By Denise Lara for Telemetro Reporta - The Governmental Legislative Commission of the National Assembly began their debate today of the proposed bill for Law Number 28, dealing with telecommunications security, which would oblige telephone, cell phone, and internet companies to retain information about the users of these services. Panama's Minister of Government and Justice Jose Raul Mulino said the intent of this proposal is not to legalize wiretaps, nor to interfere with anyone's privacy. Mulino also introduced a package of amendments to various articles of the original proposal, changes that were supported by the telephone companies, including Cable and Wireless, Cable Onda, Digicel and Telefonica Movil. Mulino criticized the representatives of Transparency International and the representative of " Justicia y Paz", who have withdrawn from the discussion.