Zuzu Petals

zuzu_petals.jpgHi I'm Zuzu.  I'm a Basenji and proud of it!  We Basenji's are from Africa, originally the Congo and still found today as hunting dogs in Zaire.  The Basenji was first introduced to Europe in 1934 and brought to America in 1940.  My breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1944. 
We Basenji's are unique in the fact that we don't bark....not like your usual noisy mutts, no.  We can make noise, but we choose to be more quiet in keeping with our sleek, refined looks.  All pure Basenji's have pointy ears and curly tails.  We don't shed much and some bi-peds refer to us as 'allergy friendly.'  We also have a bit of a wrinkled forehead that may look like we are worried, but really we're devising our next plan of cleverness, whether it's a plot to steal your food, escape through a narrowly cracked door, get a big gulp from your wine glass, or figuring out how to communicate to our humans that it is definitely time for another beach walk....or a treat, or a cuddle.
My favorite thing in the world is to go on safari at our local beaches.  Every walk is like my first with each smell more tantalizing than the last.  I can run and jump faster than any other dog in the universe, it's true and I'll be happy to show you.  In fact, unless I've had a really good, long romp and in need of a rest, I'm pretty much on the move at all times.  Not much misses my attention, uhm, unless I'm fast asleep.
I live in a nice house with a big yard and have a boyfriend, Biko, and two humans, a mom and a dad.  I like to cuddle and I like to hear my name, a lot.  In fact, I never tire of hearing my name and any story with my name repeated over and over.  I'm a happy doggy and always ready for my next beach romp.  Aren't I the cutest thing!?