Panama Prepared To Study Conditions Concerning Free Trade Agreement with US

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama-Guide) By Jessica Tasón for La Critica - Panama is ready to consider the conditions imposed by the United States for the adoption of the Trade Promotion (TPC) between the two countries. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Roberto Henriquez, said he is willing to consider the request, but of course there are things to be assessed and measured in that request. He said the US government has indicated they want to discuss the Panamanian domestic agenda to include themes such environmental issues, health issues, energy issues, and that they would prefer to take up the possible ratification of the treaty (by the US congress) autumn, which means sometime between September and November. "We are prepared to take our message to the U.S. government that we want the treaty, the approval of this treaty has been a yearning of many government previous to ours as well as ours.