Will the Cinta Costera save the Amador Causeway or finish it off?

cinta_costera.jpg(Panama-Guide) It is Sunday afternoon. Large green fields that were filled with children playing just three weeks ago are empty. Paths lining the water that were packed with joggers and cyclers now are sparsely populated with the occasional tourist. Restaurants that have recently started to rely on busy Sunday afternoons just to make their weekly profits sit quiet. The Amador Causeway is a ghost town. A ten minute drive away, the new Cinta Costera is open. Droves of Panamanians and foreigners have come out in force to see their latest treasure and try it out. The parking lots are so full that many people have resorted to parking in the lanes of Ave. Balboa, creating a minor slowdown of the traffic that is rushing just meters away from the children playing in the patched grass. Even though pedestrian crossovers have been built, they are too far apart and people run across the news four lanes of traffic dodging red devils and taxis to get to the other side. The sound of the traffic is easily louder than the huge crowds of people.