Alex Arosemena: A Passion for Photography and Nature

Alex Arosemena is the photographer whose photos grace the Panama National Park series running in La Prensa from May 24 to July 12. A translated version of the first installment, Sarigua National Park, appears in Mr. Arosemena’s day job is as staff photographer for Aprendo, La Prensa’s children’s newspaper. However, Mr. Arosemena’s, passion, which led him to explore Panama’s national parks, is photographing nature. It is Alex Arosemena’s keen eye for, and love of, nature that brings the Panama national parks to life on La Prensa’s pages each Sunday. Alex has a natural instinct for line, color, texture, and form, the attributes of a true artist. He took up photography as a means of quickly communicating the world as he sees it. “I've loved art all my life, painting and drawing, but my impatience has led me to find photography as an instant art, ” he says.  

About six years ago Alex started hiking Panama, with a group that calls itself "Excursionistas del Istmo". Taking weekend trips, the group has explored the natural wonders of this lush country. Taking his camera along, Alex brought back the sights he witnessed to share with friends and colleagues.

“I try to show the beauty of nature, so when someone sees them [his photos] they'll say, “Wow, what a beautiful bird”. His photos were well received and started winning prizes. Eventually La Prensa paid for Alex’s hikes. The National Parks Articles are the result.

“Panama has 15 national parks and most Panamanians don't have a clue about them. How can we protect something that we know nothing about?” Alex says.
La Prensa took on the job of educating Panamanians about the beauty of their own back yard. Now, with an award winning wildlife photographer on their side, La Prensa hooked up with ANAM (park) guides who transported and guided Alex through the parks, while he photographed the journey, writing about it as he went. The project began in September 2007 and the photos in the articles are best of the best. “As an example,” Alex says, “I use Darien National Park. I took over 900 photos and 62 were published.”

Writing, photographing and designing the articles have endeared Alex even further to the natural wonders of his country. “It makes me want to save the rainforest and not cut down trees to build my mansion up on a hill or not cut down the mangroves to have an oceanfront property. Once you meet the animals that live in the jungle you'll think twice before chopping it down. "

La Prensa’s parks articles are free with the purchase of a Sunday paper. They appear on the following schedule:

May 24: Parque Nacional Sarigua, Parque Nacional Cerro Hoya, Parque Nacional Santa Fe.
May 31: Parque Nacional Darién.
June 7: Parque Nacional Volcan Barú, Parque Nacional Marino Golfo de Chiriquí.
June 14: Paque Nacional General de División Omar torrijos, Parque Nacional Altos de Campana.

June 21: Parque Nacional Marino Isla Bastimentos, Parque Internacional La Amistad.
June 28: Parque Nacional Camino de Cruces, Parque Nacional Portobelo.
July 5: Parque Nacional Chagres, Parque Nacional Soberanía.
July 12: Parque Nacional Coiba.
