Ghouls Golf at Coronado

The fun began late afternoon at the home of Donna and Dwight Anderson, where costumed friends showed up to register for an unusual game of golf. Played on Coronado’s par 3 executive golf course, ghouls, gypsies and hula girls came out for an exciting game of Halloween golf. Each hole centered around a unique theme that upped the challenge, evened the scores and created a fun atmosphere. Some of the themes included the Pirate hole, where players put on an eye patch, stood on one foot and had to putt with one hand. At the Treasure hole, players were greeted with a treasure chest of Halloween chocolates. The Sharing and Caring hole had players switch scores with each other. While the game ended early due to rain, Coronado’s new executive course certainly saw one of the most unusual events of the year. The day ended with the appearance of more costumes for a meet and greet at Sharon and Glen Rennie’s condo in Punta Barco. The pictures of the day’s events are courtesy of Kaye Ashbridge. In true Halloween Trick or Treat fashion, my car got broken into and my camera stolen. I should have left some of those chocolates from the treasure chest candies on the seat, instead of eating them all! {gallery}halloween_golf{/gallery}