School Uniforms for Kids in Need–April 2008 Report

{mosimage}Year 2008 marks the second year that school uniforms have been distributed to kids in need at various schools in the area of Coronado.  For those not yet familiar with this project, in Panama a student must have a uniform to attend school.  Our goal is to help the kids be able to get an education. This year six schools were visited. We met with the teachers or principals at each of the schools to help determine how many kids needed help and we met with those kids individually to get their clothes and shoe sizes.   The uniforms were purchased in La Chorrera, Penonome, and Panama City – some at bargain prices and some at regular prices.  After the sorting and cataloging of the uniforms, we delivered and distributed them directly to the kids at their schools.

Following are a few stats for your information: 

Schools visited: Six – La Laguna, La Uva, Centro Educativo, San Carlos, Las Lajas, El Nancito
Number of kids helped: 84 (~ 8 more to do)
Number of items purchased: total: 270,
Shirts boys & girls: 108,  Skirts: 44,  Girls Shoes: 23   Boys:: Pants: 70  Shoes: 25 (not all kids needed a complete uniform as they had from last year or hand-me-downs, etc)
Total dollars spent to-date: $ 935 of which $160 is in inventory (a few more kids need to be helped so this will change slightly.
Average cost per student: $9.23 (based on distributed items worth $775, not counting inventory)
Average cost per item: $3.46
Number of trips to each school: Approx 3

Handing out the uniforms was interesting enough to be a spectator event. These kids had no uniforms or partial uniforms only, prior to our distribution.

Once a uniform was given, it was there to stay. This young fellow on the right is hanging on to his and watching to make sure he doesn’t have to give it back.

A range of age groups is reflected in the below picture. Most kids helped were in the younger ages.  Blue shirts were a new and minor group this year.

And for all you sponsors and supporters; the CSA, the poker players, the Mah-Jong players, and the many individual donors, these smiles are for you.  We thank you and the kids appreciate what you have made possible.

Project leaders: Mayra Davidson and Sharon Rennie

We thank also those who accompanied us on our voyages and assisted at various times throughout the process.   Let’s do it again next year.