Martinelli Wins Majority in National Assembly, Pedro Miguel Gonzalez Loses His Seat

newsnviews2.jpg( According to Frank De Lima, one of Ricardo Martinelli's top economic advisors, the "Alliance for Change" has gained a controlling majority in Panama's National Assembly lawmaking body in today's elections. "We don't have all of the details yet, but we understand we've won a majority in the Assembly," de Lima said this evening at the Marriott hotel in Panama City, the headquarters of the Martinelli campaign. When I asked specifically about Pedro Miguel Gonzalez who has been indicted as a terrorist by the United States in the 1992 murder of US Army Sergeant Zak Hernandez, he said "he lost his seat." The really nice part about that is as of 1 July 2009 Pedro Miguel Gonzalez will lose all diplomatic immunity as a sitting Panamanian lawmaker and he will turn back into regular old "Mr. Gonzalez." Frank de Lima said, "that's right - he could be picked up anywhere. And, we would help..." I told him to be careful, because someone might just take him up on that offer in the not too distant future. Panama Guide's next prediction - Pedro Miguel Gonzalez flies to Cuba on 30 June 2009. De Lima also said Bosco Vallarino was "up by 10 points the last I heard."