Panama on swine flu alert

newsnviews2.jpg( The Health Ministry takes precautions as the WHO declares a public health emergency of “pandemic potential”

Countries planned quarantines, tightened rules on pork imports and tested airline passengers for fevers as global health officials tried Sunday to battle a deadly strain of swine flu that has killed at least 86 people from severe pneumonia in Mexico, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Nations from New Zealand to Canada reported new suspected cases. Panama is on alert.
The WHO Director General, Margaret Chan called the outbreak a public health emergency of "pandemic potential" because the virus can pass from human to human.

Her agency urged governments to step up surveillance of suspicious outbreaks, and many countries, including Panama, have responded the call.

"Countries are encouraged to do anything that they feel would be a precautionary measure," WHO spokeswoman Aphaluck Bhatiasevi said. "All countries need to enhance their monitoring.”

United States health officials confirmed 20 cases of the disease, and Canada became the third country to confirm human cases of swine flu Sunday, with four mild cases in the east coast province of Nova Scotia.

New Zealand, France, Israel, and Spain also reported cases of possible infection, all coming from recent visitors to Mexico.

No evidence of any cases has so far appeared in Panama. However, given the ease of transmission, the Health Ministry (MINSA) is taking necessary precautions.

MINSA ordered surveillance at ports of entry (airports, seaports, and borders), with officials on the lookout for passengers, especially coming from North-America, showing flu-like symptoms. There have been no talks of possible quarantines yet.

Panama’s Health Ministry (MINSA) has joined other Central American countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua in declaring a state of alert. Given the country’s geographical location, which makes it a transit hub on the continent, some fear infected people could reach any one of our ports.

The national head of Epidemology from the Health Minister, Gladys Guerrero, said the international situation is being monitored, and increased measures will be placed if need be.

An emergency meeting on the outbreak will be held today. Regional health centers staff will also be briefed today.

In the meantime, doctors and dentists were cautioned to be on the lookout for possible cases of infection, asked to sample nasal and throat secretions in suspicious cases to identify potential respiratory viruses.

And health facilities were on alert for a potential increase in demand for care for acute respiratory diseases.

Panama’s Health Ministry also recommended that the Minister of Agricultural Development intensify vigilance of pigs, poultry and cattle, among other measures.

As for import bans, Panama does not import pigs from Mexico.

Governments including China, Russia and Taiwan began planning to put anyone with symptoms of the deadly virus under quarantine.

Others were increasing their screening of pigs and pork imports from the Americas or banning them outright despite health officials' reassurances that it was safe to eat thoroughly cooked pork.

Some nations, including South Korea and Italy, issued travel warnings for Mexico, advising citizens to postpone travel to affected areas.

Russia banned the import of meat products from Mexico, California, Texans and Kansas. South Korea said it would increase the number of its influenza virus checks on pork products from Mexico and the US.

Meanwhile, drugmakers claim they could supply millions of doses of medicine should the World Health Organization request them.

Roche Holding AG's Tamiflu is expected to be in greatest demand should swine flu develop into a pandemic.

Panama stocked up on Tamiflu tablets (buying close to 800,000 doses) as a precaution for a possible Avian flu epidemic (which never reached the country) in recent years.



The WHO's pandemic alert level was at phase 3 on Sunday. The organization said the level could be raised to phase 4 on Tuesday if the virus shows sustained ability to pass from human to human.

Phase 5 would be reached if the virus is found in at least two countries in the same region.
"The declaration of phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short," WHO said.

Phase 6 would indicate a full-scale global pandemic.

Lest people be alarmed, the efforts taken in Panama and elsewhere are only “out of an abundance of caution” as deemed by WHO. But these precautions are necessary to avoid a deadly virus of easy spread for which there is no vaccine.

According to WHO, responsibility on precautionary actions fall not only on government entities, but the general populace as well. People having trouble breathing due to an undiagnosed respiratory illness should seek treatment but shouldn't become overly alarmed. Medical facilities in some cities have already been flooded with people overreacting to the outbreak.

According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms of the flu-like illness include a fever of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius), body aches, coughing, a sore throat, respiratory congestion and, in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea.

The virus is usually contracted through direct contact with pigs, but the U.N. Food and Agriculture Agency in Rome believes the virus is being spread through human-to-human transmission.

No vaccine specifically protects against swine flu, and it is unclear how much protection current human flu vaccines might offer. People appear to have no immunity to the virus.



Original Source: La Estrella de Panama 
Date Retrieved: April 28, 2009.