Panama Real Estate

newsnviews2.jpg( It is no secret that with the failing economic situation facing the US today, many countries will be affected.   However, some countries will feel the sting more than others.  For example, while China and many European Nations are spiraling downward, Latin America is experiencing a significant growth and Panama is no exception, as a matter of fact, Panama real estate is at an all time high.

When examining a map of Panama you will see that this small Latin American Country is no larger than the state of South Carolina, bordering Columbia to its north and Costa Rica to its south, however what it doesn’t show is its continual growth, especially in its real estate market.

Panama’s Strategic Location

Panama is singled out from the other Latin American Countries because of its location—and it has taken over the title as the Business Capital of the Latin American and Caribbean Region, and you can thank 9ll for that.  Miami lost its crown to Panama because since this horrific act against the US much has changed and it is nearly impossible for businesses in Latin America to obtain vistas for their workers to go to Miami or anywhere in the US for that matter.

Hence, because Latin America needs a new business capital and with Panama’s strategic location, its modern infrastructure, and its comparatively safe capital city, its booming real estate market and a national airline with more direct flights to Latin America and the Caribbean than any other airline in the area, Panama won the battle.

Because of this and other reasons, Panama will continue to grow.  Its desire for “business tourism” entering the city is flourishing and as infrastructure and airports continually are built outside of Panama City, so does the influx of tourism increase as well as the demand of real estate.

Besides these important current developments there are also a great number of mega projects in the works that will influence job flow and capital.  One such project is the expansion of the Panama Canal which has been in the talking stages for years, and another is a major oil pipeline and with the shortage of oil facing many nations this too, is a boon to Panama.  If that is not enough multi model transport projects are underway, and promises of many more to follow.  It is no wonder that Panama real estate is flourishing and its property has become more desirous.

Thus, as Panama’s tourist industry grows, so does the need for tourist hotels and resorts as vacationers seek to unveil the best possible accommodations to meet their needs.

And so, as you read this plans are currently underway to expand the already existing fabulous hotel business throughout Panama which will aid in creating more jobs.  Some of the newer hotels and shopping malls have casinos which are as can be expected, a major plus to the area.  These huge shopping centers offer so much and it is definitely cost efficient—the prices are just fantastic and you can buy just about anything you desire. In addition to this, to accommodate the influx of individuals traveling to the area, office buildings, condominiums, apartments and homes are developing expeditiously to meet the demand of Panama’s real estate surge.

Panama is no stranger to many investors, who have already taken advantage of the red-hot market and invested billions in their real estate.  Panama has unparalleled opportunities for investors and businessmen alike, as well as retirees—and offer fantastic incentive especially to retirees— this is definitely worth checking out.

Blended Environment

Panama’s population approaches three million people and is considered a melting pot…its history dates back to the descendents of Spanish settlers, of the black Cimarrones, and several Indian tribes off its coast and mountains, and  during the construction of the Panama Canal West Indians came to assist in its development and took refuge in this beautiful new country.  Because of the extremities of this job, help came about from many other areas and North Americans, émigré families of European stock, East Indians and even Chinese descendants ascended upon Panama to create a blended environment.  And thus a new culture emerged.

Importance of Culture

Part of their culture is displayed in the many festivals and a yearly Carnival which generally begins four days before Ash Wednesday but in order to encourage participation from visitors and an opportunity for them to mingle some of the celebrations even begin earlier. Be sure to take your camera—the floats and costumes are fantastic and the parades are phenomenal which generally include a band from each school in the area, thus including the children to par-take in this special event. The largest celebrations take place in Panama City and Las Tablas.  This second largest Carnival Celebration in the world is a perfect way to spend a holiday.

Another way to keep their culture alive is through its traditional folk art of storytelling and dance, whereby many individuals eagerly come together and share family stories and songs very dear to them.

Although Panama is known for its seafood delicacies mainly because it is a fishing port, fear not, because many five star restaurants display their culinary creations of classically trained chefs from fine restaurants and their menus are diversified.  So whether you are yearning for comfort food or International cuisines of French delight or Swiss Specialties, or Italian or German exquisite menus, you can have it all.

Panamanian Healing through Herbs

Ancient healing traditions is not a new concept in Panama—it is something that has been around for ages and these legal herbal high alternatives have been passed down from generation to generation through tribal rituals, traditions, storytelling and dance. Plants were considered the primary source of medicines, and are still widely used today, not only in Panama but other parts of the world as well!

Many of the herbs used such as teas, to cure hiccups, headaches, toothaches, fevers, digestion, stomach upsets and even pains remain a popular herb even in modern society, which boast its value far beyond that mentioned. It is even believed that teas contain antioxidants and may prevent certain cancers!

Other popular herbs include Gavilana, which is used to control blood pressure and Hojas of Llanten to treat kidney problems, Salvia which:regulates the circulatory system, nervous system and hepatitis infections, Mastranto: used to cure stomach and intestinal ailments, Toronjil: which relaxes the nervous system Fennel/Hinojo which :works as a hepatitis regulator, detoxifier, and diuretic, and Valerian root, Melissa, Lime Tree flower, and Orange leaves :for the nervous system.

Herbs have justifiable so, become a panacea for all ailments and Panamanians have long realized these benefits!

Great Countryside

The country of Panama offers  splendid views as varied as its people—majestic rain forests, sweeping hill country and valleys formed by slumbering volcanoes, peaks towering to 11,000 feet, and hundreds of islands.  Not to mention their legendary beaches, from select island resorts in the Pearl Islands, the Isla Grande located on the Caribbean’s Costa Arriba stretching to the reefs of San Blas and the amazing empty strains of the Azuero Peninsula. These are but a few of the many islands just waiting to be discovered.  In the Pearl Islands alone there are about 200 islands, islets or keys of undisturbed natural wonderment and beauty just yearning to be explored—there is much history surrounding these islands—check them out!

Amazing Climate

All this would be meaningless, if the weather wasn’t cooperative, but Panama is well known for its gorgeous climate and the temperatures do so cooperate and generally fluctuate between 75-90 degrees F. all year round, with a cool breeze developing later on in the day to make for a refreshing evening.  And although the dry season is typically between the months of December to April and exhibits a higher rainfall during the other months of the year, it is very rare that the sun fails to glimpse through the clouds at least a few times during the day. For those of you who are not sun worshipers or enjoy hot weather one can seek refuge in the gorgeous mountainous areas of Panama where its real estate is extremely popular.

Invest in Panama’s Real Estate

It is no wonder that Panama has become one of the most popular vacation destinations to travel in the Universe and its real estate is red hot—it has location, great climate, gorgeous mountains and splendid islands with an array of activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, water rafting, bird watching, sport fishing, sailing, nightlife, surfing, golfing and tours, just to mention a few.  And who can forget cruising around its famous Panama Canal.  There is simply not enough time to mention everything about this beautiful Latin American country; so see for yourself and come visit this unparalleled area and I guarantee you that you will start the ball rolling and invest in a lifetime of splendor.


Original Source:
Date Retrieved: April 28, 2009