Christine Trexel Makes Paper by Hand

Christine Trexel is a soft spoken lady from Portland, Oregon who makes paper. Using natural fibers from her back yard or recycled cloth Christine makes special papers, boxes, and books. Christine´s interest in making paper started with her interest in books. A former occupational therapist, Christine says she has always been interested in the form and the feel of books as well as their words. Thus she collected books, including one from palm leaves.

Christine´s interest in books flowed into an interest in box construction and then to paper itself. She sought out a professional paper maker and has been making her own paper for fifteen years. “I like the feel of it,” she says. “It is labor intensive. And, I like the paper to have a function.” A bit of the occupational therapist treating patients with neurologic deficits shows through as she speaks of labor intensive work and the function of a thing.

In el Valle Christine makes papers from natural fibers. From her yard she uses plants like papyrus, sugar cane, lemon grass, haliconia, and walking iris leaves. She makes paper from old cloth. Christina talks about shredding the cloth in a blender before she got a machine call a critter to beat the paper.

Christine’s lifetime of service to others has not stopped now that she lives in el Valle. She has taught her art in the local public school. Getting in touch with other people, with other artists is what she finds rewarding.

Christine  makes invitation paper, boxes, books, and lamps, all from her own paper.  She enjoys custom projects, making special items for special requests.  Christine also repairs books that have been damaged or are worn from use.

From her days helping those with neurologic deficits back to health to now Christine puts her heart and soul into her work. “I learn and can try new things. A small leather bound book is my best work. I keep it – I love looking at it.  Papermaking is a pursuit for me. I don’t consider myself a professional. It is an art and I feel lucky to have the opportunity to play with it as much as I can.”

Christine Trexel’s work is available through Bambusillo Gallery in El Valle and Mery Palma Gallery in Panama City.  She also does workshops around the Pacific Beach Communities.

Christine Trexel
983-6863 or 6709-2780

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