Security Concerns

As most of the residents in Altos, Sora, Gorgona, Coronado, El Valle and Chame areas are aware, concern has been recently expressed regarding the vulnerability regarding personal and home security. I am concerned about the emails and postings being sent out on the subjects of protection etc, the residents arming themselves with all sorts of weapons from Pepper Spray through to Flare Guns and Firearms, to take on a group of possibly armed intruders in the middle of the night, when half asleep and having been startled, even a single intruder can pose a considerable threat, who knows what he has been taking prior! By using a weapon, untrained and inexperienced, it’s a potentially dangerous situation that one should exercise extreme caution with. Firstly I must stress I am not a sales person whatsoever, but having considerable experience within the international security sector, being a British Ex Special Forces trained Tactical Assault and Personal Protection Specialist, I would like to put out to the various groups in the areas a proposal that may be of interest to residents and businesses alike, and would welcome constructive comments accordingly.

Now please understand me, by no way am I trying to suggest that Panama has this level of crime, but crime does promote more crime if not brought under effective control quickly, therefore we decided to initiate obtaining our Special Operations licenses through the Government, in Panama due shortly, to be able to offer such a service within Panama, this license is only offered to individuals who can demonstrate a highly professional and trained level of expertise, and is issued with the support of the Law and Justice department as well as the Police, to carry out these types of operations, It is important to understand that only with this type of license can these services be offered legally, with this approval, and Police support, we will be in a position to initiate a either a 12 or 24 hour monitoring facility, providing  a fast immediate response to almost any  premises, once either an alarm or panic button which has been installed has been activated, I am aware monitoring stations within Panama City exist that offer a service of calling the Police, the Police themselves having limited transportation options, especially true in the interior, the monitoring office then asking for codes and passwords etc on the alarm activation, however in my experience, faced with a potentially violent situation in the middle of the night, do you really want to be waiting for third parties to be making calls etc, or asking a neighbour to assist. In our experience, a piece of mind by having a panic button/ alarm straight to a monitoring station and response team helps dramatically not only for peace of mind while you sleep, but also actively sets about reducing crime in an area where this service operates.

We envisage offering on a contract basis, either a 12 or 24 hour monitoring operation with immediate response and dispatch of a professional, uniformed and well trained armed response unit, who are in constant radio contact with the Monitoring Station, please understand, the selected unit members will also be internationally and professionally trained and disciplined and licensed to a level where they can operate under extreme hostile situations, with continued ongoing training as well as training in Emergency First Aid should this be needed for our clients.
Throughout the day and or night, these armed units will be actively mobile in vehicles patrolling the areas where contracts are held, offering not only assistance where needed, but also peace of mind by their presence, Officers will have speak both English and Spanish.
Response time typically is minutes to the location; perpetrators can be apprehended accordingly, taken to the Police, and by this method, crime has a realistic chance of reducing considerably in these areas.
Roll out to different areas for this type of service really does depend on numbers, and level of service required, I would at this stage welcome contact from interested parties in particular group leaders from all areas and perhaps offer a meeting if numbers are sufficient and discuss individual concerns on a face to face group basis.
Please can I ask any persons wishing to contact me and forward ideas on their own area requirements, concerns or questions etc, please email me in the first instance on
Thank you for your time and interest.
PSG (Panama Security Group