Get Creative, have fun, learn something new! Unique workshops offered at Arts Center in San Carlos

Turn off the TV, get off the couch, get ot of town!  Join the fun with those who are making plans with friends to participate in some very cool classes being offered at Finca La Maya in San Carlos:   "Look, paper making classes! I've always wanted to learn how to do that! Haven't you?        Ohhh yes, what fun, we can learn to make gorgeous handmade paper, text blocks or books, or boxes ~ using native flowers and plants grown in Christine's garden in El Valle."


"Hmm, those are interesting classes for sure, but to be able to create my own glass jewelry?  Now that sounds great to me... Let's all plan to go; the class is this week, on Thursday and Friday (23rd and 24th of April). The workshop is a full day, with an hour for lunch, which is included. Lunch is made using fresh veggies out of the organic gardens, and served there on the lovely terraces at FLM."
"The other classes are in May, but we can take the glass art and jewelry together this week...So get on the phone now and make sure we'll be able to get in ~ class sizes are limited!"

Come join the fun! Marcie Preisler will lead a two day session in fused glass art and jewelry. You’ll learn and create three art pieces to take home with you. Workshop costs $85, includes all materials and a tasty lunch. April 23rd and 24th from 9-12 and 1-4. Call FLM to register.

The one-week Reiki Training May 16th -23rd. Learn awareness of the body's subtle energies with Reiki instruction -Shoden Level One- taught by talented Reiki therapist Rene de la Iglesia. No prior training necessary, you will learn to bring energy and balance to your life and be able to offer that energy attunement to others. The class is available as a daytime student or participants may choose to stay at FLM for the week which is highly recommended: the peaceful setting, accommodations and meals are fantastic! Call Rene to register: 6653-7782.

Handmade paper Workshop, by Christine Trexel. Participants will learn to make paper from local plants from beginning to end.  Learn the types of plants appropriate for paper making, prepare and cook the plants, beat the pulp, and then make the paper.  Basic techniques of pulling and pouring paper will be covered as well as use of dyes, inclusions, collage, and laminating. May 28 & May 29 (Thursday & Friday) Register for one or both days. 9- 12 and 1-4pm, both days. $85 per day, includes all materials and lunch. To register call: 240-8281 or 66700793. Class limited to six.
Learn, work, and play!  An excellent opportunity for students! Reforestation project at Finca La Maya. Participants will learn valuable skills, concepts and techniques of reforestation and PermaCulture, assist in planting young trees and/or help with teaching in La Maya’s free programs on Saturday. Students will be guests in the large and comfortable hacienda-style villa. Whether you work with a machete, shovel, or chalkboard, come prepared with your bikini, surfing, biking, or hiking clothes. $500 includes accommodation, 3 meals daily and two excursions. One-week program, June 15-July 12. Must be eighteen years old or older; call for details: 6580-8004.
Class sizes are limited and you’ll kick yourself if you miss out! Call FLM to register: 240-8281 or 6670-0793. Remember, a portion of every dollar you spend with Finca La Maya helps to support the free educational programs for children in the interior communities. With the support of friends and sponsors classes have been offered for over three years now! See to see pictures of the facilities and happily learning children in a remarkably beautiful location; you'll want to join the FLM family.


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