Panama’s Real Estate Agents Target Commercial Opportunities

newsnviews2.jpg( The fact that the residential real estate market has started to slow in Panama has spurred the Association of Real Estate Agents (ACOBIR) in Panama to turn to the potential commercial market. ACOBIR is said to be contacting over 500 companies in Canada to invite them to visit the country. This invitation is an extension of the possibility of these companies establishing a branch within Panama.

Based on the strategic location, as well as many other positive factors within Panama, a natural regional head office for these companies, would make valid business sense. Osvaldo Marchena, the President of ACOBIR, confirmed that multinational companies recognize Panama’s positive traits and aspects, and therefore to target these companies would add value to the real estate market within Panama.

Panama is currently promoting their new residential projects in Canada, with Free trade negotiations underway, the extension into the commercial properties market is a suitable concurrent campaign that can leverage the market within Panama. Marchena confirms that the fiscal advantages of Panama are being used as one of the top marketing advantages for these multinationals to consider establishing operations in Panama.


Original Source: knights Bridge Invest
Date Retrieved: April 21, 2009