Three Colombian guerrillas extradited to the US

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama Star) Once their judicial procedures in the US are through, they will return to Panama

Three Colombian FARC guerrilla members detained in Panama were extradited to the United States to be tried for drug trafficking says the Foreign Relations Ministry.
The Colombians are Jorge Ibarguen Palacios, Alexis Mosquera Renteria and Yarley Bañol Ramos, detained in February 2008 close to the Panamanian town of Jacque, bordering Colombia.

According to the Foreign Relations Ministry, it was a “conditioned” extradition, meaning that the Colombians will have to return to Panama once judicial procedures in the US are through.

The FARC guerrillas were charged in Panama for attempted murder, attacks against State security, and for gun possession.

They are also wanted for drug trafficking, the reason for their extradition, according to the Foreign Minister, Samuel Lewis.

Three other Colombians also charged with drug trafficking remain in Panama.


Original Source: Panama Star
Date Retrieved: April 20, 2009