Holy week in Panama and a new dawn for the world

newsnviews2.jpg(Panama Star) PANAMA. Holy Week in Panama is a moving experience where most of the population participate in religious ceremonies

They walked for miles carrying candles, or pulling representations telling the story of the crucifixion; they prayed, carried crosses, hung from crucifixes and got up before dawn to welcome a new beginning. It was Holy Week in Panama, celebrated in many ways by the Christian community across the country to mark the most important event of the Christian calendar.

The annual Good Friday parades of effigies of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus were attended by scores of thousands in the city of Panama, and in towns and villages across the country.

Thousands of Catholics made traditional pilgrimages to seven churches to pray, and thousands more attended church or walked The Stations of the Cross.

After a quiet Saturday, giving many time for reflection on what they see as darkening days ahead, worshippers returned to the churches on Sunday to celebrate the Resurrection.

Few rose earlier than those who traveled to the grounds of the West Indian Museum where scores of descendents of those who helped build the Panama Canal, gathered to greet the rising sun and to mark the Resurrection with song, prayers, dance by the “True Worshippers of the Christian Mission of Panama, and an inspirational sermon from Pastor Alejandro Douglas following the opening oration by Michael McRae.

The religious ceremonies were followed by community events which included the annual Easter Egg Hunt for children, and the Easter Bonnet competition with a host of participants, many of whom had spent long hours creating and decorating their headgear.


Original source: Panama Star.
Date retrieved: April 14, 2009.