Inviting You to...
The Third Annual “Expresiones” Art Show at Rincon Vallero in El Valle de Anton Saturday April 11, 2009 9:30-4:30 Eleven painters united through their love of art are coming together for the third year. They are a group of seasoned artists comprised of an art historian, some professional artists and artists who choose to only show and sell their work once a year at this Show! The purpose of the show was to bring a fine art venue to the El Valle area. For the artists, it has evolved into a time when they can discuss each other’s work and support their evolution and growth as artists. For the art lover, the works are accomplished and diverse.
Directions: As you come into El Valle, take the first left, then veer to the riht and take the second left. Rincon Vallero will be on the left. There are also signs along the way. If you plan to have lunch, you can call for reservations to 983-6175.
Marilyn Hargrove