Panama: Workers Migration in Forum Agenda

newsnviews2.jpg(Prensa Latina) Specialists of international organizations, of public institutions and workers' representatives began the analysis of labor migration in Panama Tuesday, as part of the actions to determine the present time and perspectives of that activity.

The delegates, gathered under the fostering of the Labor and Working Development Ministry, will evaluate aspects related with the situation of the country and the influence of those actions in the national environment in a two-day meeting.

In the meeting, Gloria Moreno, expert of the International Labor Organization (ILO), highlighted the necessity to cooperate among all the actors to promote a better administration of migrations.

Moreno highlighted the position of the Panamanian government to recognize the need to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks that can be presented in the handling of migration.

"ILO recommends the agreement of bilateral labor agreements among the governments, to avoid fraudulent practices when hiring personnel," Moreno stated.

Together with it, she considered the definition of political of manpower migration, to act in a coordinated way and avoid affectations to the national workers, as a very important aspect.

For his part, Alberto Brenes, leader of the mission in Panama of the International Organization for Migrations highlighted the importance of actions to favor the dialogue on the topic.

He stated that it is officially estimated that 90 million people the figure of people working in different destinations from their birthplace.

The agenda of the seminar includes the challenges of labor migration in Panama, professional formation, economic situation: tendencies and priorities, protection and the workers' integration, among other topics.