Help us to solve water problems in Coronado

WATER PROBLEMS? SEE BELOW AND SIGN OFF ON THE ATTACHED PETITION Please find attached a letter that the Coronado Residents Association  (CRA) wants to send to Idaan to express or problems and need for a better water situation.   Please fill in and drop off at the CRA office (closed on Tuesdays only), or return the letter  via:  e-mail  or by fax at no. 240-4776  so that Mrs. Davidson can gather the documents to be presented.

The deadline to return this note is:  Sunday, March 15th, noon.

Mayra needs people to join her on her visit, please let her know if you can participate.  We will advise you when the appointment will be made for.  






March 4, 2009

Panama City, Panama
tel: 6612-3723

Attention:  Mr. Juan Antonio Ducret
     General Manager


Dear Sir,


The residents of Coronado have been experiencing a lot of difficulties with the water system, such as total lack of water, lack of pressure, broken water mains and no advance notice to repairs or shut downs, etc.



We have gathered on site signatures, electronic signatures and e-mails confirming this problem and would greatly appreciate your assistance to rectify this matter.  The following residents have included their signatures to express their dissatisfaction.



Please inform the Coronado Residents Association  at:



with  the immediate and future plans and / or arrangements that will resolve the present  and hopefully future issues.



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