Mahjong Puts the Fun in Fundraising

Mahjong Club players, a social and fundraising group for the areas west of the City, presented the Social Association with $100 at the Sept 5th meeting. This is approximately the amount needed for school uniforms for 4 public school children at Lajas School. Students are selected and the 2 uniforms and a pair of shoes are purchased at the best prices immediately before the new school year begins.
Mayra Davidson and Sharon Rennie have been involved with this project in the past and require report cards, measurements and exact drawings of each child’s foot. No money is given directly to the school or families involved. Progress of each child is monitored. At the next Social Association Meeting, October 3, Mayra will be giving more detail on the project. Deborah Turl, Coordinator for the Mahjong groups, estimates that funds will again be donated at the October Social Association meeting.
Anyone wanting to learn or play Mahjong can contact Deborah Turl at or call 240-4975. All Mahjong game times are listed on the Playa Community Calendar. Barbara Schlottke and Kathie Bishop have been assisting with teaching newcomers to Mahjong, with Rosemary Ocana and Myriam Duarte helping Spanish speaking individuals learn the game.
Gerry Walsh may find that his top score is in jeopardy as players meet two to three times a week while he is in
the States!