Playa Community Website Launch

A community focused website to keep the Coronado English speaking community updated on the latest news and events going on in our area. Our purpose is to be a resource of useful community information for residents, vacationers and weekenders. As such, we encourage our neighboring communities to use this site to promote local events and news.
This website is an evolving community project administered by Jamuna Burry with the help of Corondo residents and friends from the Panama Pacific Playa. Send us your comments and If you would like to be involved, let us know by using the Contact Us page to get in touch.
We need people to:
- Attend and report on public meetings and social events in the Pacific Playa area.
- Send in your tried and true recipes
- Tell us about your positive experiences with local restaurants and businesses
- Moderate areas, such as classifieds and events calendar
- Suggest polls
- Tell us about your community events
- Tell us about your own businesses by sending in features
- Give us constructive feedback
- Place your ads in the classifieds section
- Give us links to other sites that would be useful to the Pacific Playa Community and people new to Panama
- Offer to become a contributing expert of a lifestyle topic that is of community interest